Swara Sampada Chapters are in the process of being formed
all over India and very soon all over the world too.
Please read carefully below:
' Guidelines for Formiing a Swara Sampada Chapter'
'Institutional Swara Sampadas'
'Cub and Youth Swara Sampadas'
'Swara Sampada Worldwide'
See also:
'What is Swara Sampada?' https://swarasampada.tripod.com/id10.html
'The Oath of Swara Sampadites' https://swarasampada.tripod.com/id11.html
Guidelines for Forming a Swara Sampada Chapter
<!1 Seek
formal permission to form a Swara Sampada Chapter in your area from the Founder President Dr Ajai R. Singh at mensanamonographs@yahoo.co.uk .
<!2. Start with a group of minimum 12 and maximum
30 families in a group. Children of members are also encouraged to sing. Members should be musically inclined, interesting
in honing their musical talents, wanting to encourage others even as they sing themselves. They should not be interested in
playing politics, indulging in groupism or idle/malicious gossip, or make this forum a show of their wealth.
<!3. Office bearers must include a President, a
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Managing Committee Members [minimum 3]. A Mentor [who may be the president himself/herself]
is advisable who is musically knowledgeable, commands the respect of others and guides and offers his time and expertise to
others on an Honorary basis. The group may also have 1 or more Honorary Members from those who are respected in the musical
<!4. The group must meet on a designated date at
least once a month. This may be in a hall or turn by turn at members’ residences. Meets should be economically viable,
and food/snacks served should not tax the pocket. There must be provision for a proper keyboard player and a table/dholak
player, if possible also an octopad player. They may be professionals or also amongst the members. Where such provision is
not practically possible, karaoke music may be used but every effort must be made to get live musical accompaniment as soon
as possible. Every meet must have a certain theme which is declared by the President one month in advance. There must be a
practice session for members before the monthly meet on a special day [for bigger groups] or few hours before the programme
on the same day [for smaller groups]. Every monthly meet must have star singers [1-3] who are selected by the President and
announced in the earlier session, who sing at least 3 songs, and perform at prime time. They must undergo a special training
session apart from the regular training for others. These star singers should be selected turn by turn according to their
performance, sincerity, and regularity.
<!5. Dues may be collected half yearly and proper
accounts must be maintained and presented annually. An annual programme to coincide with the birthday of the respective chapters
must be carried out.
<!6. The basic philosophy of Swara Sampada as elaborated
in the write up ‘What is Swara Sampada’ [above] and further in ‘The Oath of Swara Sampadites’ [below]
must be carefully studied and adhered to. Each member must take the oath of Swara Sampadites. Members are given a Swara Sampada
Plaque which they must display at home and a Swara Sampada badge which they must wear at all Swara Sampada functions. All
plaques and badges are similar but with distinctive colours for each chapter which will be confirmed by the Founder President.
All programmes must display the Swara Sampada banner with the mission statement. Each programme must begin with lamp lighting,
invocation song, and National Anthem. The President may speak briefly about the theme of the month before starting the programme.
The conduction of the programme is ordinarily done by the President, with the help of group leaders [if the group is big,
and needs to be divided into 2 sessions, for example]. The President may also be helped by the host in conducting a programme
and/or the Secretary.
<!7. Managing Committee Meeting must be held at
least every quarter. They must be brief, to the point, and must avoid playing politics and ganging up against each other.
At no point should meetings and administrative hassles be allowed to supercede music.
<!8. The founder president of a certain chapter,
with his managing committee, may need to continue beyond one year. However, it is advisable for office bearers to accept terms
for one year and make way for new members to accept responsibilities. Office bearers may be chosen by consensus, but where
that doesn’t evolve, elections may be needed. Ordinarily, elections and the activities related to it, may be avoided
as far as possible.
<!9. It is advisable to invite Chief Guests and
Guests of Honour for Regular monthly programmes and the Annual Programme. They must be suitably honoured, but without disturbing
the regular programme. Best time for them to be present is just before the Star Singers perform. Utmost care must be taken
that Swara Sampada does not become an extension of some teacher’s music class.
<!10. Swara Sampada encourages cooperation and appreciation, and discourages
competition and strife amongst members. Those who seek competitive music platforms are advised to seek other avenues. Helping
a fellow member, appreciating his performance, and giving constructive criticism [when asked for] are encouraged. Passing
caustic comments, thinking only of oneself, not having patience to wait one’s turn, continuously arguing and disturbing
harmony in the group are firmly discouraged. Those who do not understand or subvert the basic philosophy of Swara Sampada
must be encouraged to seek other avenues for themselves.
<!11. Swara Sampada is a long term commitment to music and fellow
members. The bond of friendship extends to Swara Sampadites enjoying moments of happiness with fellow members and helping
in each others difficulty, especially of health and other crises. However, Swara Sampada is not to be used to further one’s
commercial and business interests.
Institutional Swara Sampadas
Schools, Colleges, and other educational and social institutions
are encouraged to form Swara Sampada Chapters provided they adhere to the core principles enumerated earlier.
They also need the following:
1. Approval from the Head of the Institution to start such
an activity.
2. A Teacher/Prof incharge of such an activity who
is musically knowledgeable and admininistratively capable.
3. Office bearers from amongst the members, elected/nominated,
who are guided by the Teacher/Prof in charge.
4. Rest of the activities like Monthly meets, star singers,
theme sessions, practice sessions, Annual Programme etc remain the same.
5. They shall be named Swara Sampada, .... ... .... .....[Institution's
6. They shall send an annual report of activities to the
head of their respective institutions and a copy to the founder president.
Cub and Youth Swara Sampadas
1. Children of Swara Sampada members may form their own Groups. Those upto the
age 15 years will be called SS cubs and from 15-21 SS Youth. After 21 yrs, they are eligible to join the Adult SS as full
fledged members.
2. They shall be autonomous groups with a Mentor from the
parent SS Group which sponsors them to act as a facilitator. He, or his representative, must be present for all meets and
meetings and must report to the sponsoring parent group form time to time. He must be a facilitator and motivator, not just
a controller and overseer.
3. All other activities like Monthly meets, star singers,
theme sessions, practice sessions, Annual Programme etc remain the same.
4. They shall be named Swara Sampada Cubs, .... ... ....
..... [Sponsoring SS Name], or Swara Sampada Youth .... .... ..... [Sponsoring SS Name] If one group contains both cubs
and youth it shall be named Swara Sampada Youth ... ... ....
5. They shall send an annual report of activities to the
head of their sponsoring SS and a copy to the founder president.
Swara Sampada World wide
Very soon Swara Sampadas will be formed world wide. The basic philosophy and methodology remains
the same.
Colour, caste, religion and nationality are no bar in Swara Sampada.
Already SS Toronto and SS Houston are under active consideration.
Those who believe in the movement that SS represents are welcome to contact Dr Ajai Singh,
Founder President, for more details at mensanamonographs@yahoo.co.uk
See also:
'What is Swara Sampada?' https://swarasampada.tripod.com/id10.html
'The Oath of Swara Sampadites' https://swarasampada.tripod.com/id11.html